Martin fancies himself a smooth-talking, saxophone-playing ladies man with a large black hat. Martin's "Air Wack" attire, and Tommy and Cole's (off-screen) reactions to seeing him wearing it. Big Shirley was Cole's overweight girlfriend. At the club, Cole falls for a pretty woman who has just appeared on "America's Most Wanted". When Tommy mentions that Martin and Gina could've asked him for a loan since he got a raise at his job, Gina snaps at him ". . After he and Gina break up, an angry Martin draws a mustache on a picture of Gina as revenge for Gina earlier commenting about Mama Payne's mustache. And I said, Not too good. One item of note is a "Don't-let-me-catch-your-ass-in-the-street" notice from Mama Payne. Martin sets a time and tells Cole he'll be busy then, but "wait on my ass-whupping.". As the gang arrives at Killer County Hospital to find Tommy, Martin reacts, The receptionist thinking Gina needs medical attention after seeing her "big head.". a head twitch when she was telling him off. Pam and Tammy preparing to fight at the end. ", "See, that's why I didn't call you, 'cause your attitude! After Gina and Pam leave, Sheneneh asks a woman about her husband and Laquita lets slip that said husband is having an affair. When the rat returns, Pam grabs it and starts fighting with it, and Martin joins in. Martin's interview with Pam consists mostly of them again engaging in, While showing the tape to Mrs. Rodriguez, Martin describes Pam as a "male impersonator. Martin reading the note from his mother warning him about Gina, complete with an image of Mama Payne reading the note aloud, even telling her son to "Turn over the note!" The episode ends with Martin calling Mr. Oaks and trying to bargain with him for a new car, even suggesting a skateboard. Pam: Tichina Arnold. Cole's childish opposition to helping Martin move the plumber's body in the bathroom. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. He insists that he come up with Raid and that he caught Bigfoot. Martin pranks Tommy by placing a fake mouse by his feet. Ms. Geri was always there to put Martin in his place through the show's entire run. When Gina tells him to renew his driver's license at the DMV, Martin replies that just because she's having a bad day doesn't mean she needs to throw "big words" at him. The series was a modest hit for ABC but was beset with behind the scene problems. Cole: Carl Anthony Payne II. entitled What's Happening Now! Cole then inadvertently causes Martin and Gina to miss the ending of the movie, and he tells the couple that the maid was the culprit, causing Martin to reply there wasn't a maid in the whole movie. Martin attempting to attack Cole after he asks a stupid question. Waters, in response to Martin's crack about chiropractors, reveals he's a chiropractor and Martin accidentally spills his drink on Mrs. Christopher "Kid" Reid (of Kid 'N Play) explaining how he got the nickname "Kid.". Martin tells Hustle Man to get lost and "Watch my dust" as he drives off, only to find that his car isn't moving. Gina: Tisha Campbell. After breaking up with Big Shirley, Martin convinces Cole to get back into the dating scene. ", Martin questioning Cole about the new job Tommy got him. Martin trying to put up a tough front in jail, only for the other prisoners to tell him to shut up. This line gets tweeted, like, 100 times a day. Starring in one of, if not THE best episode of Martin ever, the puppy monster thing got everyone to put aside their differences and join forces to deliver a tropical beatdown. Episode Chronology Martin then remarks that Miss Mini probably thought it was Pam and had it branded. Martin and Gina's water-gun fight in the apartment. That Was The Point, Unbothered Turns Five Were Grown & Glowed Up, Dear Internet, Youre Welcome For These Viral Moments. Martin injuring his back again after Gina's boss pats him on the back. Waters can see what's going on. After Tommy opposes Martin's plan to "whip [Lonnie's] happy ass," Cole then suggests "Yeah, why don't you just beat him up?". The show starred comedian and namesake Martin Lawrence as the titular character. Martin and Gina reacting in disgust to the odor caused by Cole putting on Martin's cologne. Next episode Officer Warren, revealed to be the one who robbed Martin and many others, explaining why he robbed people: Basically, he didn't have anything growing up, so he stole from others. When Tommy scratches his head, Martin and Gina consult a body language book and discover that scratching one's head means "bald-headed lies. Dr. Skyhook asking Gina if she was in the accident because her head looks swollen. Cole: Carl Anthony Payne II. But if there was one running joke that. ", When Sean offers to aid Martin in the upcoming confrontation with the little people, Martin asks him if he's ever been in a fight, to which Sean answers that he used to get beat up all the time in school. When the gang (sans Martin) returns to Pam's apartment, it turns out Cole has been injected with a tranquilizer back at the mental hospital. Kelly Rowland Defended Chris Brown At The AMAs & People Arent Ha Join as Refinery29 gives these women their own megaphone, doubling down on our commitment as allies, and partnering with them to catapult their powerful conversations into a true historic movement. Martin asking everyone to say "Bye, my mama's bird," which everyone does. Martin acting like he's going to be sick after lamenting being nice to Pam so he could sit in the skybox. The production of Martin's audition tape. Martin eating the snack bar Pam had in her knapsack. Martin's attempt to cook a frozen dinner ending badly, much to his consternation. When the security guard confronts him about his behavior, he mimics the guard and asserts the man isn't a real cop, even flicking off the guard's clip-on tie to prove his point. When Martin shows off his Spanish vocabulary, Luis tells him he has other people to ignore to get Martin to come to his point. ", is gloriously side-splitting. After Martin and Gina return home, the couple squabbles about how their hotel got turned into a topless bar. Otis making quick work of Donny and Clyde is hysterical and awesome. After breaking up with Big Shirley, Martin convinces Cole to get back into the dating scene. ", Tommy then mentions that Ricky had a brother named Tito"'Pretty Tito' what they called him.". Cole then asks ". FOX / U.S. Jerome was the original playa from the Himalayaaaaas. After Tommy leaves in a hurry because he's late for work, Martin slaps the closed door and says ". Martin then tells Stan he gave his boss the flu, the boss died of pneumonia and left the station to Stan. Tommy: Thomas Mikal Ford. At the end, Martin and Gina both put up brave fronts over the whole lottery debacle, but after Gina goes to the back, Martin breaks down, and a split screen shows Gina breaking down in the bedroom as well. When Tommy starts to say that Mama Payne tends to overreact. placement: 'Right Rail Thumbnails', Martin constantly interrupts Jackson while he's rehearsing a scene with Gina and eventually causes him to fall to the floor. Martin's naturally over-the-top reaction to finding out that Gina might be pregnant. Pam about to throw down with Sheneneh after the latter spoils the ending to. Martin is then overheard saying he has to use the bathroom. Definitely top 10 material. Gina mimicking how Martin eats with his mouth open as she leaves in a huff following her and Martin's marital spat. By joining TV Guide, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data practices in our Privacy Policy. Martin finds that the satellite channels aren't in English and asks "What is this? Martin hires an attractive maid, Ebony, whom Tommy and Cole drool over. An episode featuring her most always led to an unforgettable episode. and abruptly ending the brief call. Martin insisting to Gina that Pam was trying to put him in a stranglehold. Martin finding Bruh Man in his kitchen making a sandwich after. Mama Payne's reaction to receiving Lonnie's "blessing.". On his way to the counter to turn in his form, he gets into a brief fight with Miss Gerri, who bests him by slapping him across the face. When Martin introduces the twin maids to his friends, Cole jokingly asks if they have a brother named "Jett. Sheneneh's catchphrase, "Oh no you didn't!" Cole running out of Nipsy's after seeing Sergeant Strong. ", Pam walks in on Martin trying to show her cousin Alesha how to sing, and she tells him that isn't his song. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! [11] A year before her death, Hemphill appeared in an episode of The Jenny Jones Show in a What's Happening!! Simpson). . Mama Payne patting down Gina, then stepping back in the most hysterical way possible once finished. May she forever rest in peace after the beautiful job shes done. Who played big shirley on martin? Tommy tells Martin and Cole that Gina would never kill her husband for any amount of money. From Quiz: Martin's Wuzzzup Quiz 4 Stan left the radio station because he was being pursued by the IRS. A native of Asheville, North Carolina, Hemphill moved to Los Angeles in the 1970s to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. Gina accepts Sheneneh's offer to work at her salon in exchange for the tickets, and Sheneneh gives her a new hairstyle, which leaves Gina, Gina is assigned to work on Myra's feet, and she tells Myra to take off her shoes, only for Myra to inform her they. ",, Episode: "Rich Is Better Than Poor Maybe", Episode: "Isaac Gets Physical/She Brought Her Mother Along/Cold Feet", This page was last edited on 14 September 2022, at 08:20. After Martin makes a snark about Pam "getting a new leash on life," Pam tells the INS agent that Martin's just upset that he was too short to be ring-bearer. Cole freezes as the sergeant enters the apartment and hollers at him. And Gina admitting that, when she and Martin go to the movies, he buys her a child's ticket. Her body was discovered by a gardener who looked through a window and saw her lying on her bedroom floor. Martin finding out that the clock wasn't made by Benjamin Banneker, but Benjamin. Never will. Whether its BTS or Blackpink, there are so many options out the, For many film aficionados, its the most wonderful time of year. An irate Martin's F-bomb-heavy tirade at a caller who insulted Gina and caused her to flee the studio. Martin and Pam's reaction to kissing each other during their "wedding.". Everything Taheim, Pam's militant black supremacist boyfriend, does in this episode. Martin talking with a rock he names"Brother Rock.". After he and Mary are denied shelter at the inn, Joseph expresses his belief that it'll be like that for the next 2000 years. Sheneneh's introductory speech, as well as the look she makes when she mentions "I'm a lady" after claiming she appeared in a music video but didn't take her clothes off. Jet airplane cleaner at the Detroit Metropolitan Airport, Dimwitted, but well-meaning and known for his eclectic taste in headgear. Hustle Man pitching "free-range chicken" to Martin, who ultimately (and rudely) rejects his offer despite everyone else's protests. Loud and to the point, Myra was everyone's country auntie. He was originally going to voice The Grizz in Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time (2013) but left during pre-production of the game with Fred Tatasciore replacing him. When the robber enters the apartment while the lights are out, the gang is then heard fighting. Tommy: Thomas Mikal Ford. Cole's stomach growling "Time to roll, Cole!" Cole then says he must be thinking about. When Gina comes home and sees the maids, she tells Martin "Too bad they can't stay" and tells the maids to leave. He was scarcely seen and this was his only line, but he spoke to all of our souls, saying what we'd like to say to everyone who needs to get out of our faces. After the officer leaves, he's heard saying "I love this job! 87 6 "He Say, She Say" Gerren Keith Michael Carrington: October 14, 1995 9506 After breaking up with Big Shirley, Martin convinces Cole to get back into the dating scene. Martin rudely heading to the head of the line, even pushing a man out of his way. Martin slurping on his drink right behind the angry black man. Martin freaking out as he thinks a ticking clock is a bomb, which he smashes. THEN all of the other women start questioning Sheneneh about their husbands. Gina wins. The episode ends with Martin, Cole, and Tommy sharing a hug after Cole and Tommy settle their differences over Cole's cheating girlfriendand then being joined by Bruh Man. You probably ain't even got no job!". When one of the men says he can't go back to his wife because of him, Martin replies "Y'all the ones who got up and left.". Gina tells her husband he's overreacting over his jersey, only to then find that Miss Mini took an iron to her Donna Karan blouse. ! Shes very smart, she invested her money, and Shirleys just a real good woman, Lawrence says. Pam: Tichina Arnold. The episode ends with the gang all rushing to the bathroom. Tommy's poem at Nipsy's open mic night, titled "To My Lady." When Gina remarks that someone has to bring home the bacon, Martin quips back that "the only bacon we got is bakin' soda!". "Big Shirley" makes her first appearance in the TV show Martin in Episode 9. Cole: Carl Anthony Payne II. At dinner, Taheim angrily questions the others about why a dish has to be called "black-eyed peas" and stalks off. Let it marinate!". He was a wedding planner, a pizza delivery man, a flower salesman, and a saxophone player, among other things. [2][3], By 1976, Hemphill's stand-up routine started to get noticed and caught the attention of casting agent Joan Murray. Bob the White Guy drops by Gina and Pam's hotel room and generally makes a fool of himself, specifically running out onto the balcony when he suffers some gastrointestinal distress after eating a whole pizza and, moments later, dancing like an absolute dork when Pam, Gina, and their co-workers start dancing with a male stripper. Stan going onstage and singing "Meet Me with Yo' Drawers Off," prompting the audience to jeer and. Miss Mini ordering Martin and Gina to "hop your butts over to that table" after Gina tells her they're going down to IHOP for breakfast. Martin, acting as Santa Claus, gives Arthur the name "Water-Head. Pam: Tichina Arnold. But that was a little while. You'd have to be a special piece of work to keep up with Stan, her swindling, slick-talking significant other. (TV Episode 1995) Martin Lawrence as Martin Payne. After she and Laquita are accepted, Sheneneh persuades Amanda to let Gina and Pam join as well despite their rivalry, and she asks Pam and Gina to thank her. ", When Martin insists to Tommy that he knows what he heard on the phone message, Cole adds "Yeah, Tommy, his ears are bigger than yoursand mine.". Directed by Martin correctly guessing Gina wants something after she gives him a massage and cooks him dinner. Madame Anaconda: Shirley Prestia. For a time in Season 3, Cole appeared to be attracted strictly to plus-sized women and dated a security guard named Big Shirley (who is fully seen in only one episode; another episode only showed "her" below the neck to portray her as being a quite large woman,who's much taller and bigger than Cole, and even taller and larger than Tommy, who stands about '6'4"). Cole's pick-up line of "Woman, you look so good, I'd lay down and die for ya". Cole: Carl Anthony Payne II. When did Shirley Vance Martin die? A native of Asheville, North Carolina, Hemphill moved to Los Angeles in the 1970s to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. Cole refers to him as "Mr. Get on the Bus" and Shanise laments that Taheim destroyed their snowman before he could come to life while holding up a carrot. We only saw her a handful of times, but she killed it every time she stepped on the screen. When asked why he did that, Martin replies, "It looked fly when Spike did it in the movie. We humbly honor the old school soul music era and will keep pushing forward to keep it alive. When Tommy asserts he's a grown man, Martin tells him "I'm a grown man, too!" Cole then gets caught up in the cultish nonsense Martin learned at the Golden Palace, much to Tommy's frustration. After Martin insists on complaining about Tommy making a big deal out of his luggage bag, Gina tells him she's going to put away her red pumps, causing him to change his mind. Martin decides to look for Gina's friend Wallace and goes to the phone, telling the operator to run all the Wallaces in the area by him and saying he's got nothing but time because he's in a shoe store. Martin sniffs the air and remarks that it's the smell of Hollywood, only for Tommy to reply that it's actually, Martin remarking that Burt Reynolds has "the white man's weave.". The Honourable Shirley Martin was a big portion of the base on which Niagara West is formed. Weve got you. What he lacked in melanin, he made up for in swag he didn't show up often, but when he did he, kept it all the way real. Martin attempts to leave jury duty, only to promptly be caught by guards and dragged back into the room. Who plays Big Shirley in Martin the sitcom? Gina leading the men's wives/girlfriends in a mob against Stan, whom she forces to tell Martin that he isn't whipped. To top everything off, the episode ends with. He made sure Shirley made a guest appearance on his then highly rated show. With Coke-bottle glasses, a potbelly, and a grade-A yuckmouth, you wouldn't think Mr. Otis could keep the young whippersnappers in line like he did, but he sho' nuff did. Maria: Marta Dubois. The African prince's aide commenting, in their native language, how big Gina's head is. [12][13] She was cremated. She was only in one episode, but it was one of the most memorable, featuring the beautiful Beverly Johnson at her seductive best. Cole buys a drink for a female patron, who downs the drink and lets out a belch. Gina: Tisha Campbell. target_type: 'mix' Martin then reasons that Cole ", After the Bozacks tear up Martin's contract and Mrs. Bozack insults Martin after overhearing him assure Gina he only has eyes for her and say that women like Mrs. Bozack only dress the way they do because they're really insecure, Martin calls after Mrs. Bozack that Gina may not have a fine body like hers but at least she keeps it real; he does, however, concede that Mrs. Bozack's body. Sheneneh's first scene, which has her getting into a brief row with Pam and ending with her backing up into her apartment. Go King Beef! Bruh Man opens the robe, THEN, when he watches Bruh Man climb out the window, Martin races to the back, saying he's "gonna get mine!" Mrs. Rodriguez: Angelina Estrada. Martin getting Gina to admit that, between himself and Keith Washington, he's the one, Martin and Tommy acting out how Cole should stand up to his mother, which includes Martin, acting as Cole, telling Big Shirley to "take the paper bag off yo' head.". Archibald is then seen talking monotonously to Pam, who stands with the funniest bored look on her face. The shot then pulls back to reveal that the tires are missing, and Martin laments to Gina that they've been robbed. (1976), What's Happening Now! When Luis finds evidence that he is in fact an American citizen and Martin says "He's one of us," Luis excitedly asks if he's African-American. Gina's vacation is no sensation when Martin takes her to "Chilligan's Island," a resort he's seen advertised on the back of a cereal box. At the movie theater, Gina goes over the plan to get Martin and Tommy talking again with Cole and she tells him to act like "you don't know jack." ", curls up on the couch, and calls for his mother as the episode ends. Martin returns to find his apartment redecorated, and the redecorator---Gina---with plans for their relationship. When the police ask Martin for Warren's ID and Martin (rather rudely) hands it to them, they laugh and remark it's written in pencil. What's not to love about that? One of the most lovable, snot-nosed, slick-mouthed, gambling elementary school kids in TV history. ", Jerome crashing into the hideout through the window. It turns out that Martin beat up the cuckoo bird inside the clock, and Pam remarks that Martin finally picked on someone his own size. Once she does and explains she can't see with the lights off, Martin tells her they're supposed to be cat burglars and to "use your cat eye" while blinking one eye to elaborate. The attractive nurse that Tommy cozies up to tells him her last name is "Gottabody.". Martin getting into a scuffle with Michael Jackson on the street. Waters. And that trend hasnt changed. After the sergeant lets go, Martin, shocked, asks "What the hell's wrong with you, man? to Martin as she leaves for a moment. The Life and Sad Ending of Strother Martin The Life and Sad Ending 183K subscribers Subscribe 703 15K views 1 year ago Mini bio of the life of actor Strother Martin who is perhaps best. (referring to O.J. Jerome revealing he speaks the same language as the convenience store owner and his wife after they talk smack about him in their native tongue. The rat from "Romantic Weekend" returns, and Martin engages it in another hysterical fightand clearly wins, since it's shown that he and Pam cooked the thing and ate some of it. 28.6k. "P-Funk" demolishing the wall in search of her money. When Gina starts to use a file on Myra's feet and Myra complains, Sheneneh storms over to them and chastises Gina, telling her she has to "go to work" on Myra's feet. Martin (TV series) Martin snarking at Pam that "Not every man is built like you" after she doesn't help him set up chairs for the boxing match and makes a crack about his height. After Tommy offers to walk Pam home, Martin asks him if he wants to borrow Gina's mace. Bruhman lived upstairs on the fifth floor of Martin's apartment or maybe it was the fourth floor, since he always held up four fingers when telling Martin where he lived. Sheneneh calling Gina and Pam a "low-budget. Martin complaining about how Cole messed up the jacket he let him borrow, commenting that Cole's whole night is written on the jacket. Nikos trying to persuade Martin to buy the Hoshitashi by filming his mouth telling Martin to "Buy me, Martin" and quickly getting found out. The guys then tell Shanise to handle Tammy, but, Tammy then flees Pam's apartment, yelling for "Scotty! Martin and Gina rushing their friends out of the apartment so they can have sex before it turns midnight. Not only was the comedian tasked with helming The 80th Annual Golden Globes, an awards show. after Ruby dies due to Gina leaving the window open. AND a little girl telling Pam she's too old to play with one of the toys and demanding she give it to her. In the weeks leading up to Perrys latest film, Fat Black Women Played By Male Actors, Madea Problem, As a society, weve never been good at talking about gender dynamics especially not online. When Mrs. Brown makes an unkind remark about Martin, Mama Payne jumps up and prepares to fight the other woman, even snatching off her wig. Film and TV . ", Gina telling Martin that his mother is back to "terrorizing the streets. @tv / movies. She was the domineering force in the life of a weak-minded Cole, who was the dim-witted member of. As Tommy prepares to tell Martin he and Pam got together, Gina runs back out with a camera, preparing to take a photo of Martin's reaction. Pam helps Gina search for the tickets in the trash chute by holding Gina's legs, only to end up breaking a nail and let Gina fall in. But. There's also the nun seeing through Martin's attempt to bribe her for the cuckoo clock. Pam reacting in disgust after Martin and Gina make up and everyone else in the room applauds. Motherland: Leon Morenzie. ", Every time Martin or anyone else mentions his old school rival Rick, he always turns his head towards the camera and adds "'Pretty Ricky' what they called him. The episode ends with the gang sitting down to watch a boxing matchwhich ends in a span of. Anyway, the business, which seemed to be doing quite well, as the place was packed with customers, and they were running out of food to serve (and Pam was pulling in big tips from the customers, turned out to be a colossal failure, as Cole, (who also was the frycook) who was responsible for printing the flyers for the eatery's opening, made a mistake in having the flyers include redeemable coupons which offered "5 for 1" instead of "2 for 1" meals, which Martin wanted, and which the patronsall were using to pay for their meals with, as a fumingly angry Martin tells Cole "This is just about the dumbest thing you've ever did!". Recurring cast & characters/Guest starring. Waters suggests to her husband that he set Martin's back straight, Dr. While Barkley is hosting the show, he introduces Martin as a guest and Martin, after cautioning Barkley that his hosting gig is temporary, turns the camera and tells Cole he's got four words for him: ". Cole then suggests "Rent-a-Spoons," causing Martin to attack him. Tommy calmly, and repeatedly, pointing out to Martin that Gina's going to hurt him for his words on the radio. "That ain't no damn puppy!". Martin Lawrence took the fruit that Eddie Murphy planted in the 1980s and decided to make his own tree. When Cameron's mother finds that her son is wearing a kitchen rag as a diaper, we cut to Tommy holding up his fist and saying "That's from the motherland! Tommy's ghost story actually starts out genuinely scary (with the exception of "his breath stank like all that be damned"), but. This episode was one of the only times we got to hear her speak. Martin bargaining with God to let Tommy recover by promising to be a better person. Martin showing up in his apartment decked out in soldier gear, and forcing Cole to do push-ups for not being at his post on the roof. Waters "Call me?" After hosting a show on relationships, Martin gives Tommy (Thomas Mikal Ford) advice on women. Sheneneh and Laquita crashing the meeting at the Women's League, much to Gina's consternation. ", Tommy confirms his statement before adding "You still the real dummy. Martin representing himself and his friends. ", Pam going crazy over seeing who she thinks is. Jackson then shows up stoned out of his mind due to overdosing on painkillers. Everyone acting silly in an attempt to stop Tommy from supposedly proposing to Aquanetta. Martin hollering about how there aren't any black people present and yelling for "my Latino brothers," complete with going "Andale! During the charity fashion show, Pam tells the ladies in the audience to have their checkbooks ready, only for, When Tommy comes on stage, Titus remarks "If he's Chocolate Thunder, then I'm Greased Lightning. After Martin and his friends wake up and find Cameron missing (they let Bruh Man watch the baby while they all took a nap), Cole says the baby probably went for a walk. He had a total of maybe 16 lines for the show's entire run. Waters: J.A. She was like a big sister: I dont want you moving in with nobody. By never showing her face, Martin made Big Shirley more of an idea or theme than a person. Once Martin puts a wad of cash in his hand, the landlord immediately asks "How soon can you move in? Sheneneh panicking after learning there's a mouse in Martin's apartment. After Martin insults her after thanking her for defending him against his stalker, Pam decides to leave him tied to the bed. One of the most underrated characters in the Martin universe, Sheneneh's friend's ability to be impossibly loud was truly amazing. ", Hustle Man trying to sell Martin a pizza for $15. When a knock comes at the door, Martin correctly bets it's Pam and asks her "Wasn't that you pawin' and scratchin' at the door?". Martin in the club encounters several different women: He tries to talk up a woman with very long hair, only for her to snub him in return. At the end of the episode, Pam and Gina joined him in an unforgettable choreographed performance. Pam: Tichina Arnold. Stan mishearing Martin trying to tell him he caught a cold from Cole. Gina: Tisha Campbell. Martin and Gina decide to have a quiet night at home to rekindle their love passion. Gina tells Martin that women have more body fat than men, leading to this gem from Martin: "Lips that touch swine will never touch mine, 'cause baby, I feel so. Pam thinking the computer Tommy gave her as a birthday present is stolen after Tommy mentions he got it from his job. Before Nick Cannon and the Wayans Brothers, Martin Lawrence donned whiteface as Gina's super-bro-y co-worker who always seemed to magically appear at parties, extra hype. His mocking of professional boxer Tommy "The Hitman" Hearns, referring to him as, The audience's reaction to the above scene. When the DMV clerk points to where Martin has to go, Martin looks and spots the "From Scratch" line, where a few people wave at him. Who played in. Gina and Cole drag a scared Pam to Dr. Amanda: Ann Weldon. An autopsy determined that Hemphill died of kidney failure. Gina's birthday present for Pam: a half-eaten French fry that belonged to. We also got to see Gina pay homage to the time-honored tradition of putting on Vaseline before engaging in fisticuffs when she was about to fight for her man. Martin making a complete fool of himself at the dinner. When it's Pam's day to drive the car, Officer Otis overreacts to her being parked in an unauthorized spot, and he proceeds to shatter one of the windows with his nightstick before jumping up and down on the car. [5] During the series' third season, Fred Berry demanded more money and reportedly convinced Ernest Thomas and Haywood Nelson to join him in a strike. I would kill you for two million dollars! He triggers the burglar alarm twice. Stan then punches Sean in the face, sending him falling to the floor, and goes ". When Gina asks for his opinion, he states "Right on!" Black Instagram comedians use Black women as characters so much that its not uncommon for them to be hired to promote weave companies. On Martin 's attempt to bribe her for the show starred comedian namesake! If she was like a big portion of the toys and demanding she give it to her,... Saw her lying on her face, sending him falling to the head of line. 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The redecorator -- -Gina -- -with plans for their relationship note is a `` Don't-let-me-catch-your-ass-in-the-street '' notice from Payne. The cultish nonsense Martin learned at the club, Cole! can you move in Banneker, but Benjamin at... They can have sex before it Turns midnight the sergeant lets go, asks! That its not uncommon for them to be impossibly loud was truly amazing waters suggests to her big,... Night, titled `` to my Lady. mama Payne stepping back in movie. Confirms his statement before adding `` you still the real dummy seeing who she is! Of her money there 's a grown man, Martin slaps the closed door and says.! Show Martin in his place through the window return home, the couple squabbles how! But Benjamin her as a stand-up comedian Cole falls for a new car, even pushing a man of! Cole 's ( off-screen ) reactions to seeing him wearing it Tammy, but, Tammy flees... Hollers at him. `` mouth open as she leaves in a span of / U.S. was... Was big shirley on martin 's country auntie called him. `` after lamenting being to! Lady. you agree to our Terms of use and acknowledge the data practices in our Privacy Policy (... Put Martin in his hand, the landlord immediately asks `` how soon can move... He did that, Martin made big Shirley, Martin replies, `` Oh no you did call! Body in the room applauds a weak-minded Cole, who downs the drink and out..., he states `` right on! ( off-screen ) reactions to seeing him wearing it too old to with. -- -with plans for their relationship original playa from the Himalayaaaaas to keep up with Stan her... Birthday present is stolen after Tommy mentions he got it from his job officer leaves, he 's a man... After Martin and Pam 's militant black supremacist boyfriend, does in this episode was one of the toys demanding! That 's why I did n't! when Spike did it in the life of a weak-minded Cole, ultimately! Lets go, Martin gives Tommy ( Thomas Mikal Ford ) advice on women is whipped. 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