I actually wonder if he decides to commit suicide rather than appear on her show knowing she would expose the truth thereby ruining her career so it was his last attempt to protect her? Btw, I am still in the middle of The Good Wife (I know, so late), but I was loving all the familiar faces. Maybe with a new and smarter detective. Go Hye Ran started the drama carrying a buried secret and ended it with (supposedly using the new show for revealing the truth) burying another. After Chairman Kwon Jae Kyu's death, the golden keys to the kingdom didn't go to the murdering son Kwon Hyun Joo. The writer chose to end things this way. That said, she had unique challenges: being switched around for someone younger and more beautiful is not something that would have happened to a man, and her becoming a house-wife is certainly not an expectation people would have towards a man, but centrally, it is also not something that people ask of him -besides the scum lawyer-, it's not something her husband wants and she is *generally* admired for breaking the mold and opening the way (the exception being the corrupt prosecutor's wife, who is also clearly depicted on the "villain's side" one of the reasons I would have liked for them to also introduce a well adjusted female character with a career and a healthy home life -good communication about big life decisions, being there for their parents when they are on their death bed, I wouldn't ask for a kid, but wouldn't object if they had one-, to point out that this is not a dichotomy, a binary choice). The only scene of this that really resonated with me was when Office Manager Lee let loose on the worst cop in Seoul. I didn't like that the answer seemed to be "not" by the end. She sees an open letter on his desk and reads about Su Hyeon being alive. Poor scripts undermined the romance between Han Tae-sool and Kang Seo-hae, major characters disappeared without explanation, and the coda is just lazy Korean drama reviews + FOLLOW "Im not asking to be spoon-fed, but I want to know what I just ate." I thought that they were suddenly going to pull back from all the hints pointing to TW and instead do a 360 and surprise us with an EPIC take-down. for you! She is not a sociopath without empathy. Your email address will not be published. It's a basic function of humans. // Load the SDK asynchronously He dies in a pool of blood, repeating how much he likes Kim-Som. Hye-ran would, of course, stay silent because truth comes second to her in regards to her own interests as has been shown countless of times. mary: You have to give it to them. But when she refuses to let things go, he breaks her protest sign and practically admits that he killed Dong-hyun. I believe my exact words to you were falls on his sword. Okay, so he went into a tunnel instead, but same concept. there are a lot on instagram. In Hades, Sisyphus has to push a boulder uphill only to have it roll back down when he reaches the top. Writer: Je-In. I don't know. She asks him if point-blank if he killed Kevin Lee, but he just invites her to the vacation they promised to go to. @rigby2800 I just realised that you tagged another person with the handle, Giegie. He ends up killing himself? Myung Woo is a psycho. I always knew that Kang or Ra El would die, I felt that this drama was going to have a tragic ending. Worst, he kills and has no remorse. She did it once already, after all. But I understand why the ending was that way. It is like that after all. The real truth, however, is that the cam footage was not the whole story: she was coerced and blackmailed. !, Exactly how I feel right now! Instead, I would camp on that tunnel where our gorgeous Tae Wook died with candles and flowers saying "bye bye love". I don't think what Eun Joo told HMW on that day in the past is gossip. I often read comments on different sites that Hye Ran is also responsible that the men in her life turned out this way. Misty ( Korean : ) is a 2018 South Korean television series starring Kim Nam-joo and Ji Jin-hee. http://www.dramabeans.com/members/kethysk/activity/425045/#acomment-425046. I just finished watching Misty and all I can say isalthough I'm pretty speechless right nowI was truly blown away by its writing, direction, and cinematography from beginning to end. Her estranged husband, who's a lawyer, decides to defend her and hence starts their journey to fall back in love. The show took a psychological horror approach to The Mist and failed to include the horrific monsters from the . It's the kind of love which destroys because it wants to be perfect and unconditional when it is not. mary: The final barrier being himself? She was fierce as hell for her pursuit of the news, the media that was about exposing the ills of society and the powers might be. Tae-wook drops by his parents house in the morning after waiting up all night for Hye-ran. Plus the many unanswered questions which Mary and Odilettante mentioned above. I would suggest the movie "A Single Rider" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Single_Rider) as just one of the examples of this exact situation being depicted. Yes, it's an unexpected outcome, but it also takes all of those nuanced, emotional interactions between Tae . odilettante: Um well, I loved how smug Myung-woo was in his confession about killing Kevin, just because of how much it annoyed Detective Kang. Who can forget the awesome and passionate chemistry of Kim Nam-Joo as Go Hye-Ran and Ji Jin-Hee as Kang Tae-Wook as a middle aged couple. I would like it better if they just covered up the truth, and all of them lived their life, hopefully, happily. Eun Joo and the manager should have played a role in KLs death. . Like you are happy, we are happy, everybody is happy. Tae Wook HOW COULD YOU`? . And all the others people have brought up. check out my post about the ending: For answering questions, showing us more of the characters weve become invested in, and fashion. Lets talk about the happy stuff! Like you, @odilettante , I am one of the few that really liked the ending. So many bad things had happen and NONE of them deserved it. Both the drama and the cast have received considerable attention since the first episode. In the end, she just became "Oprah" that should cater to what people want to see, and that she can make "magic" in her interviews. And yet episode 16 was 2 hours! And Myungwoo? Meanwhile, Detective Kang drops by Tae-wooks office where he gets scolded by Office Manager Lee for torturing the couple. sense. js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; When Hye-ran protests, he insists theyre reporting a fact: Myung-woo confessed to killing Kevin Lee. But once we knew for sure that he did it I knew that a happy ending wasn't really possible anymore. In the early hours of the morning, Director Jang finds Hye-ran drunk and crying nside the studio. An popular anchorwoman, Go Hye Ran (Kim Nam Joo) is suspected of murder. And thank you for not camping outside our doors with a sign saying Its your fault for making me watch this.. Myung-Woo was released after the murder so everyone would be certain that he DIDN'T commit the murder. That being said it has been both an honor and a privilege to watch this show with you and I'm glad I could read your thoughts. This guy sure knows how to kick a person when they're down. I remember stumbling upon it during the airing of its first four episodes and yeah, I knew from that moment that I finished those first four that I'll be head over heels in love with this drama. When you are doing stuff like not being by your mother's deathbed to get an interview, stopping and thinking about whether you are on the right path and what you are doing is rational seems perfectly sane (maybe she hated her and it's ok, for example). odilettante: Essentially, yes, although Hye-ran will undoubtedly have PTSD knowing that the men shes loved have either killed or died because of her. TWs micro-acting with his eyes. No Which drama next? This pisses off Zeus, who punishes Sisyphus. The drama's ending is flawless, with justice being served . Then did all this work to either punish his wife or get her to love him, but Why? In my opinion, if the show was just two episodes longer, they definitely could have incorporated/explained/explored further those un-answered questions. Yes, I agree. Ultimately , was d writer telling us u can't hv a strong woman wit ambitions hv love and support from her spouse n family but will hv to destroy 1 or d oda. js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js"; The witer of the letter also asks him to find the "Adamas" to get Su Hyeon. In The Glory, the protagonist is Moon Dong-Eun, a girl who was heavily bullied when she was a teenager between 2004 and 2006. There could be miracles you know, there you have JBL, and Mother they were awesome until the end . - misty korean drama ending explained ; misty korean drama ending explained . His manager? If executed well, it would be awesome but dont sacrifice logic and the integrity of your story and characters just to achieve it. Misty was a beautifully done drama for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the 16 episodes train ride, despite the train chose to head into a misty filled tunnel at the end. It did not feel significant or punchy at all. Him taking the fall for it didnt make sense to me because he was still in prison then and unless he hires someone else to take fall as the assassin, Im finding it hard to believe how hed prosecuted but then again, Detective Kang was such an absolute idiot smi wouldnt be surprised. Is it so hard to portray a powerful woman? Those are two different things right? I thought wed see more backstory, shed light on his vigilante antics and motivations. Both dramas are beautifully made, and even until the last episodes people don't turn to be suddenly whatever else. PS: Sorry about d typos. He was planning to turn himself in after the vacation with Hye-ran. Jane Maxsom Oct 06 2022 2:34 pm My Mister is a brilliant drama worthy of intense study in any film or literature class. His detectives report finding Myung-woos hideout full of Hye-ran posters like an obsessed fan and a bottle of drugs that matches the type found in Dong-hyuns body. Kevin Lee was a jerk, but he was one of the man who loved GHR passionately and if the character was played by someone else, I don't think it will have the same effect. blah(?) Tae Wook made the ultimate sacrifice and as principled as Hye Ran purports herself to be, perhaps she practices this posture in her journalistic endeavors but not in her personal life. Maybe MW, but certainly not in TW's case. Reporter Yoon, on Director Jangs request, approaches Eun-joo for an interview. How this man could work 30 years as a detective is really beyond me. Required fields are marked *. <3. 'Melancholia' is a South Korean drama released on 10th November 2021. I'm going to jump on my feminist bandwagon here too. Outsmarted by his wife, Eun Hye Soo who not only used the assassin Yoon Sun to render him paralyzed. The court scenes were just too painful to watch and a total drag. Hes not sure if his dream is Hye-ran, or merely to appear perfect to her. mary: To the Misty beanies, thank you for trying this new format with us. No one's going to forget this show soon. Nothing else is fun or meaningful. Sisyphus is a king in Greek Mythology who cheats death a few times in an attempt to escape his mortality. So, for all its flaws and loopholes, it does give us a armchair-gripping moments worthy of mystery thriller. My Mister Ending. but I totally missed the car crash sound and woowwwwwwww, I should've had my coffee before reading this recap. Yes, there are saints out there, but many of us (if not most), when held at gun point, are naturally self-serving. I'm a bit disappointed. The ending is disappointing but I didn't regret meeting such characters (brought to life by the cast) and would recommend it to friends who are into such themes or genre. I just loved how despite figuring out Taewook was the culprit didnt make me feel any less shocked because you could see how his anger with Hye-ran led to him taking the brooch and planting it there. After a while, i did realise that the whole point of the ending was how much we DIDNT know Tae-Wook and his motivations. Or it turned out that Kevin Lee died in a car accident. Her actions have an effect on other people. :(. In this drama, I'm disapointed by the couple Hye Ran and Tae Wook. I must say that the opposite (busy man with miserable home life) is pretty much a trope in and of itself, so finding a work with these features is pretty much like fishing in a bucket -if we tone down the toxic mix of self pithy and self righteouness it would be pretty evident-. Yes, Hye-ran wasn't a scared teenager anymore, but now she had way, WAY more to lose. that I had to sit down and type out a ranty comment on word. If Spring ever worked so hard to find its own version of happiness, stumbled on it unexpectedly, then got pummeled by Life and Consequences the moment it got a little bit soft. Quick! Episodes: 16. Well you're not alone,cause the above conversation I copy pasted almost totally reminds me of EMPRESS KI!!! I've seen many a k-drama and Misty is now the best drama I have seen in my 8-year k-drama life . hello @pastmidnite @growingbeautifully @giegie good to see you all again. But I do feel like we could have benefited off a few more minutes (or episodes) to tie up some loose strings. * When their souls leave their bodies, at that point, there is no return (dominoes clacking}}}}}. Hye Ran is an ambitious woman. Like what happened to her dream of bringing down the greedy people at the top? I think that the theme "power/money/ambition corrupts and poisons everyone around you" is pretty well explored, and given the lack of strong female characters in past work, the "targets" were mostly male characters in the past. The aftermath of Tae Wook's death needs to be left to the imagination because not everything needs to be spelled out. Go Hye Ran's eye makeup and wardrobe FTW~, And can we please send some love to Go Joon? He is used as a Deus Ex Machina,so unreal Also, powerful women destroy men. I really would have liked to see a well adjusted female character that could have a great career while also communicating with her spouse about big life decisions, rather than deceive them in an attempt to deny reality (which they both did, for their respective secrets -and it would have been good for this parallel to have been made explicit to them as well-). 2. It's not that I think the ending doesn't make sense or anything, I just really wanted for Hye Ran to be happy and achieve her dreams and maybe she'll still be able to but AT WHAT COST. I love this drama because it was about an unabashed, ambitious woman, that went for what she wants regardless of her circumstances in life, and because of the man who stood right next to her despite everything--he defended her despite of his suspicions of his infidelity and promised to support her as she goes as far as she wants. I was disappointed with the last two episodes that eventually went against all that was so good about the show. Wow. She was the one behind Ji-won's blackmail, she lied about knowing Kevin Lee in LIVE TELEVISION no less and did everything in her power to hide the truth about her past relationship with Kevin until it blew up on her face. I would have liked to see another well adjusted character with a stable relationship that manages to have her career and also be there for her family in their critical hour and have good communication with her spouse. Frankly, I would have liked the opposite from this drama, not from the female lead, who after all had her own dramatic flaws and was meant to be depicted as such (and was by no mean the only one -see the prosecutor who was used for power, etc.-). Kang locked himself in the car with So Ra, so that she would no longer hurt Ra El, whom she had kidnapped. None of the men blamed her for their choices (with the exception of Kevin Lee). He had spent 19 years in prison, over half of his life so what difference does it make if prison continued being his life. I thought that 2 points in the show embodied the title quite nicely: I think Hye-ran hold the live interview for him to confess his crime and save Myun-woo. Yoon, upon learning that it contains footage of Hye-ran and Kevins affair, points out that the footage proves the opposite. .just nothing. I dont know why writers are so preoccupied with having a killer twist or unexpected ending. Queens of facial expressions. To be honest, by the time we got to the trial scene, Misty had kinda lost that pull it had onto me so I wasnt super expectant about the ending. I spent 16 episodes agonizing with her! I feel that the general message of "ambition is wrong" is a feature in movies regardless of gender (though with gender in the mix we have additional foolishness like "she should stay at home", which in this drama is clearly an assertion made only by "villains/losers" characters). Can we please send some love to go to of the men blamed her for their choices with. To watch and a total drag him paralyzed psychological horror approach to the Mist and failed to include the monsters. 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